Anubias Glabra Variegated  - Leaf size 3-5 cm. In the aquarium, it reproduces by dividing the rhizome. Anubias Glabra Variegated is not fussy in keeping and can be safely kept in a wide range of parameters. In conditions with strong lighting, white veins appear on the leaves. Portion - a shoot of 4-5 leaves. In the aquarium, it reproduces by dividing the rhizome. Anubias Glabra Variegated is not fussy in keeping and can be safely kept in a wide range of parameters. In conditions with strong lighting, white veins appear on the leaves. Portion - a shoot of 4-5 leaves.
In the aquarium, it reproduces by dividing the rhizome. Anubias Glabra Variegated is not fussy in keeping and can be safely kept in a wide range of parameters. In conditions with strong lighting, white veins appear on the leaves. Portion - a shoot of 4-5 leaves.

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Анубиас Glabra Variegated

  • Код товара: Anubias Glabra Variegated
  • Доступность: Есть в наличии
  • 100.00 грн.

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