Живые аквариумные растения

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Bucephalandra sp. Crimson
Bucephalandra sp.Crimson.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along the b..
100.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Flora
Bucephalandra sp. Flora A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along t..
80.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Hades
Bucephalandra sp. HadesA slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along the ban..
200.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Kedagang
Bucephalandra sp. Kedagang.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along the..
130.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Kedagang-2
Bucephalandra sp. Kedagang-2.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along t..
120.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Kualakuayan 1
Bucephalandra sp. Kualakuayan 1.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows alon..
50.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Ongis Nade
Bucephalandra sp. Ongis Nade.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along t..
80.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Pandora Coin Purple
Bucephalandra sp. Pandora Coin Purple.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grow..
180.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Red Aphrodisiac Nanga Sukayat
Bucephalandra sp. Red Aphrodisiac Nanga Sukayat.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In natur..
110.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Sang Maestro (Maestro Blue)
Bucephalandra sp. Sang Maestro (Maestro Blue).A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature,..
150.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Shine Green
Bucephalandra sp. Shine Green - буцефаландра среднего размера со светло-зеленым листом овальной форм..
100.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Silver Powder
Bucephalandra sp. Silver PowderA slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along..
70.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Sintang, West Kalimantan(Cliffhanger)
Bucephalandra sp. Sintang, West Kalimantan(Cliffhanger).A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. ..
100.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Super Blue Type Round
Bucephalandra sp. Super Blue Type Round.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it gr..
260.00 грн.
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Bucephalandra sp. Sypris
Bucephalandra sp. Sypris.A slow-growing plant from the Aroid family. In nature, it grows along the b..
110.00 грн.
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